All posts tagged ‘quotes

I write this diary reluctantly. Its dishonest honesty wearies me. For whom am I writing? If I am writing for myself, then why is it published? If for the reader, why do I pretend that I am talking to myself? Are you talking to yourself so others will hear you? Witold Gombrowicz. Diary I, page […]

在他與朋友們相聚的時刻,在他忽然對什麼開始了期待的時刻,在他滔滔不絕地自白的時刻,胡寬的眼睛最容易充了電似地發光。而在平日無所事事的時刻,他的心情就罩上了一層灰色,那蓬亂的長髮和沒神的眼睛便讓我想起了他的枕頭和床單,想起了他多次對我說過的話,他說他心裡煩悶得常像早晨起來沒有刷牙的嘴一樣不是味道。他沒有特別的計畫,缺乏安排自己生活的能力,他的起居總讓人覺得雜亂無章。當他拉開抽屜找什麼東西的時候,你會看到裡面塞滿了雜物,有發霉的乾饃塊,有擠癟了的牙膏皮,有紙張和散落其間的火柴棒。讀他那首無序膨脹起來的《土撥鼠》,我首先聯想到的就是他拉開抽屜找東西時的情景。 康正果,詩舞祭:紀念詩人胡寬,《傾向》第十一期,頁211,1998



― 7:45 on this beautiful, almost balmy 22nd of September in Schenectady and it’s the first day of fall. So in honor of that fact, we have Elke Putzkammer, professor of literature at Union College, to talk about autumn in poetry and literature.― Good morning, professor.― Hi, Alex.― So, what about it? Why do so […]