All posts tagged ‘analog photography

What do I know about this photo?

讀畢《椰子的葉蔭》(蔡思薇譯自川上瀧彌之《椰子の葉蔭》)與《塵封的椰影》(胡哲明,以細川隆英為本),再看這張照片:「熱帶」、「白衣」、「有用植物」。 ____ Bought online, no later than 2022 (when I scanned it). On the auction site Delcampe, where sellers are mainly from Spain and France. Can’t remember the purchase history (from whom? from which country? The site only keeps records for the last two years)… I remember, but am not sure, that it was titled […]

It is a natural thing

  In the evening, I went to the supermarket and saw a big dog and a small dog tied up at the entrance. Probably their owner had gone inside to do some shopping, and the two dogs were looking in longingly. The small dog was barking incessantly, sensitive to its surroundings, while the beige Labrador […]