It is a natural thing


In the evening, I went to the supermarket and saw a big dog and a small dog tied up at the entrance. Probably their owner had gone inside to do some shopping, and the two dogs were looking in longingly. The small dog was barking incessantly, sensitive to its surroundings, while the beige Labrador sat upright, looking gentle and calm. People passing by couldn’t resist the urge to stop and give it a gentle pat on the head.

Seeing these dogs reminded me of when I had a beige Labrador. She would eagerly wait for us at the store entrance, just like these dogs. Such moments always bring back memories of the walks we used to take together.



Earlier this year, while in Guatemala, we visited a town near Lake Atitlán. While you went to interviews during the day, I stayed at the guesthouse and worked on my research proposal. During these moments, the black Labrador would often come up to our balcony and look out at the lake and the neighborhood cats. In these instances, the dog seemed quite serious and not at all mischievous.

I remember Yoshimoto Banana once describing how, in some seemingly trivial moments, she would remember her dog who died years ago. She says it is a natural thing, and the memories will always warm our hearts. In this journey of life, it is definitely better to meet him than not to meet him at all.