All posts filed under ‘research project

What do I know about this photo?

讀畢《椰子的葉蔭》(蔡思薇譯自川上瀧彌之《椰子の葉蔭》)與《塵封的椰影》(胡哲明,以細川隆英為本),再看這張照片:「熱帶」、「白衣」、「有用植物」。 ____ Bought online, no later than 2022 (when I scanned it). On the auction site Delcampe, where sellers are mainly from Spain and France. Can’t remember the purchase history (from whom? from which country? The site only keeps records for the last two years)… I remember, but am not sure, that it was titled […]

萬巴德 Patrick Manson

重讀《帝國的醫生:萬巴德與英國熱帶醫學的創建》(李尚仁,2012)。當初閱讀這本書,是在參加近代史研習營後,對重視個人與脈絡的歷史學取徑也感到很有興趣。這次再讀,更能注意到文中強調的行動者、帝國中心邊陲、殖民地脈絡與學科建構間的關係網絡。 幾點筆記: nurse:「當地(殖民地)乳母在歐洲家庭中所扮演的角色」連結了「當時生物學理論有關性別生理分工在自然經濟中重要性」的說法。(頁182) 天文學助手:「十九世紀天文學研究更設計出嚴密的監督法,管控那些從事精密觀察、工作份量吃重但被認為知識水準不高的助手,以校準其觀察結果。」(頁192,腳註85,引Simon Schaffer 1988 “Astronomers Mark Time: Discipline and the Personal Equation,” Science in context 2 (1): 115–145) Bruno Latour的「計算中心」(center of calculation):「事實上,十九世紀許多博物館與博物館式機構,都可稱得上是『計算中心』。這些中心的『分類系統與自然史插圖的慣例,提供命名與描繪標本的標準程序』,此外,它們也『具備高度紀律的體制安排來集中標本,而其排列組合的方式所組合的整體,讓植物學家與動物學家能看出其中的新事物』。」(頁294–295,腳註28–29,引 David Philip Miller “Joseph Banks, Empire, and ‘centers of calculation’ in late Hanoverian London,” in David Philip Miller and Peter Hanns Reill 2010 [eds] Visions of Empire: Voyages, Botany, and Representations […]

El cuartico donde los curas tomaban el desayuno era un cuarto que daba sobre el jardín de las rosas y donde vivía la gorda. Ese cuarto era bonito, con mucha luz y en una esquina había una estatua grande, grande que tocaba casi al techo y a ese santo lo llamaban San Cristóbal. Ese santo […]

I’D SEEN A photograph of Abuelita’s dead sister. I’d come upon it in her family albums, pasted in between portraits of my be-whiskered ancestors in their starched collars and fancy top hats. Her little sister had been laid out in white lace on her funeral bier with garlands of roses cascading about her, a cluster […]