All posts filed under ‘Germany

“Die Arminia lässt die Alm beben”

夏中,大雨停歇的向晚時分,在舒服的涼風中和成群的足球迷一起散步到家附近的球場看比賽。 疫情前後幾年看著本城球隊大起大落,僅管如此,地方球迷包括房東與慣常與其購買紅酒與火腿的西班牙裔老闆仍衷心支持。每遇球賽,窗外大街上還是充滿身著白色與藍色黑色的球迷舉家參與。 這次在德國足協杯(DFB-Pokal)的賽事前晚買到的兩張座位,被鄰城球迷團團包圍。第一次進場看球,竟然遇上球隊奪分勝利的喜悅。也因為坐在對手側,落幕後看到的不是遠遠那端本城球隊與球迷的歡呼合照,而是落敗的球員站在場邊,面向自己的支持者,接受他們的失望噓聲與憤怒叫囂,還有離場時的掌聲鼓勵。

A year into this war

On this rainy and cold Friday afternoon, we went for a walk in the woods. From disbelief to the present moment, one year later, the war is still ongoing. Yevgenia Belorusets: A Tale of Fear.

documenta fifteen;amp;amp June 19, 2022. People’s Justice (2002), Taring Padi.

It is a natural thing

  In the evening, I went to the supermarket and saw a big dog and a small dog tied up at the entrance. Probably their owner had gone inside to do some shopping, and the two dogs were looking in longingly. The small dog was barking incessantly, sensitive to its surroundings, while the beige Labrador […]


  I left Guatemala City at noon on Saturday and arrived in Heidelberg on Sunday. At La Aurora International Airport in the capital, only travelers were allowed in the building I‘m still dealing with a lingering cold. I wore the mask my mother gave me when I left home last year. Flying has become increasingly […]